233 research outputs found

    Achieving continual learning in deep neural networks through pseudo-rehearsal

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    Neural networks are very powerful computational models, capable of outperforming humans on a variety of tasks. However, unlike humans, these networks tend to catastrophically forget previous information when learning new information. This thesis aims to solve this catastrophic forgetting problem, so that a deep neural network model can sequentially learn a number of complex reinforcement learning tasks. The primary model proposed by this thesis, termed RePR, prevents catastrophic forgetting by introducing a generative model and a dual memory system. The generative model learns to produce data representative of previously seen tasks. This generated data is rehearsed, while learning a new task, through a process called pseudo-rehearsal. This process allows the network to learn the new task, without forgetting previous tasks. The dual memory system is used to split learning into two systems. The short-term system is only responsible for learning the new task through reinforcement learning and the long-term system is responsible for retaining knowledge of previous tasks, while being taught the new task by the short-term system. The RePR model was shown to learn and retain a short sequence of reinforcement tasks to above human performance levels. Additionally, RePR was found to substantially outcompete state-of-the-art solutions and prevent forgetting similarly to a model which rehearsed real data from previously learnt tasks. RePR achieved this without: increasing in memory size as the number of tasks expands; revisiting previously learnt tasks; or directly storing data from previous tasks. Further results showed that RePR could be improved by informing the generator which image features are most important to retention and that, when challenged by a longer sequence of tasks, RePR would typically demonstrate gradual forgetting rather than dramatic forgetting. Finally, results also demonstrated RePR can successfully be adapted to other deep reinforcement learning algorithms

    SatelliteCloudGenerator : controllable cloud and shadow synthesis for multi-spectral optical satellite images

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    Optical satellite images of Earth frequently contain cloud cover and shadows. This requires processing pipelines to recognize the presence, location, and features of the cloud-affected regions. Models that make predictions about the ground behind the clouds face the challenge of lacking ground-truth information, i.e. the exact state of Earth’s surface. Currently, the solution to that is to either (i) create pairs from samples acquired at different times, or (ii) simulate cloudy data based on a clear acquisition. This work follows the second approach and proposes an open-source simulation tool, capable of generating a diverse and unlimited amount of high-quality simulated pair data with controllable parameters to adjust cloud appearance, with no annotation cost. The tool is available at https://github.com/strath-ai/SatelliteCloudGenerator. An indication of the quality and utility of the generated clouds is demonstrated by the models for cloud detection and cloud removal trained exclusively on simulated data, which approach the performance of their equivalents trained on real data

    Data remanence and digital forensic investigation for CUDA Graphics Processing Units

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    This paper investigates the practicality of memory attacks on commercial Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). With recent advances in the performance and viability of using GPUs for various highly-parallelised data processing tasks, a number of security challenges are raised. Unscrupulous software running subsequently on the same GPU, either by the same user, or another user, in a multi-user system, may be able to gain access to the contents of the GPU memory. This contains data from previous program executions. In certain use-cases, where the GPU is used to offload intensive parallel processing such as pattern matching for an intrusion detection system, financial systems, or cryptographic algorithms, it may be possible for the GPU memory to contain privileged data, which would ordinarily be inaccessible to an unprivileged application running on the host computer. With GPUs potentially yielding access to confidential information, existing research in the field is built upon, to investigate the practicality of extracting data from global, shared and texture memory, and retrieving this data for further analysis. These techniques are also implemented on various GPUs using three different Nvidia CUDA versions. A novel methodology for digital forensic examination of GPU memory for remanent data is then proposed, along with some suggestions and considerations towards countermeasures and anti-forensic technique

    A security perspective on Unikernels

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    Cloud-based infrastructures have grown in popularity over the last decade leveraging virtualisation, server, storage, compute power and network components to develop flexible applications. The requirements for instantaneous deployment and reduced costs have led the shift from virtual machine deployment to containerisation, increasing the overall flexibility of applications and increasing performances. However, containers require a fully fleshed operating system to execute, increasing the attack surface of an application. Unikernels, on the other hand, provide a lightweight memory footprint, ease of application packaging and reduced start-up times. Moreover, Unikernels reduce the attack surface due to the self-contained environment only enabling low-level features. In this work, we provide an exhaustive description of the unikernel ecosystem; we demonstrate unikernel vulnerabilities and further discuss the security implications of Unikernel-enabled environments through different use-cases

    Leveraging siamese networks for one-shot intrusion detection model

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    The use of supervised Machine Learning (ML) to enhance Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) has been the subject of significant research. Supervised ML is based upon learning by example, demanding significant volumes of representative instances for effective training and the need to retrain the model for every unseen cyber-attack class. However, retraining the models in-situ renders the network susceptible to attacks owing to the time-window required to acquire a sufficient volume of data. Although anomaly detection systems provide a coarse-grained defence against unseen attacks, these approaches are significantly less accurate and suffer from high false-positive rates. Here, a complementary approach referred to as “One-Shot Learning”, whereby a limited number of examples of a new attack-class is used to identify a new attack-class (out of many) is detailed. The model grants a new cyber-attack classification opportunity for classes that were not seen during training without retraining. A Siamese Network is trained to differentiate between classes based on pairs similarities, rather than features, allowing to identify new and previously unseen attacks. The performance of a pre-trained model to classify new attack-classes based only on one example is evaluated using three mainstream IDS datasets; CICIDS2017, NSL-KDD, and KDD Cup’99. The results confirm the adaptability of the model in classifying unseen attacks and the trade-off between performance and the need for distinctive class representations.</p

    Classification of cattle behaviour using convolutional neural networks

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    The monitoring of cattle behaviour through sensor systems is gaining importance in the improvement of animal health, fertility and management of large herds. Commercial farms commonly implement accelerometer-based systems to monitor the time an animal spends ruminating, eating and overall activity which informs farmers on the health and fertility status of individual cattle. Ill or injured cattle feed and ruminate less, so tracking the duration and frequency of these states provide key indicators of animal health. Activity is used as a metric for the detection of oestrus (heat) which promotes more efficient fertilisation of dairy and beef cattle, reducing operating costs and increasing profits for farmers. The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of enhancing the accuracy of estimating multiple classifications derived from acceleration-based activity collars can through Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). CNN models are typically used to classify objects within images, but have been demonstrated to be effective at classifying time-series data across different domains. To evaluate their effectiveness for cattle behaviours classifications, acceleration data was collected from 18 cows across 3 farms using neck-mounted collars which provided 3-axis acceleration values at 10Hz sampling frequency. Each cow was equipped with pressure sensor halters which provided ground truth data of the animal behavioural state, also at 10Hz sampling frequency. The ground truth from the halter allowed the CNN model to be trained to predict a number of key cattle behaviours. The model was then tested on separate data to assess performance. The CNN was able to classify the 3 activity states (rumination, eating and other) with an overall F1 score of 82% compared to reported collar classifications with an overall F1 score of 72%

    Image-based monitoring for early detection of fouling in crystallisation processes

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    Fouling or encrustation is a significant problem in continuous crystallisation processes where crystal deposits at surfaces impede heat transfer, increase flow resistance and reduce product quality. This paper proposes an automatic algorithm to detect early stages of fouling using images of vessel surfaces from commodity cameras. Statistical analysis of the pixel intensity variation offers the ability to distinguish appearance of crystals in the bulk solution and on the crystalliser walls. This information is used to develop a fouling metric indicator and determine separately induction times for appearance of first crystals at the surfaces and in the bulk. A method to detect process state changes using Bayesian online change point detection is also proposed, where the first change point is used to determine induction time either at the surface or in the bulk, based on real-time online measurements without using any predetermined threshold which usually varies between experiments and depends on data acquisition equipment. This approach can be used for in situ monitoring of early signs of encrustation to allow early warning for corrective actions to be taken when operating continuous crystallisation processes
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